I am sure we can all count the ways we have appreciated the esteemed teachers who have touched our lives over the years... but do we really have to be so sappy? Can we talk? (Read: Can I rant?) We've all known teachers who haven't been the brightest bulbs in the socket and some who, in fact, give fellow teachers a bad rap. For instance, the latest egregious act of behavior by a fellow teacher that came across my transom this week: a former teaching colleague who admitted (proudly) on Facebook that she hadn't in her entire life (the woman is in her early 30s) read an entire novel cover-to-cover until she downloaded "mommy porn" 50 Shades of Grey on her new Kindle. (In her weak defense, she also purchased The Help and The Hunger Games.) Wow. This person is now an administrator (assistant principal for a middle school). Descriptive words fail me. Of course, I don't know what offends me the most, the fact that she was bragging (in a backhanded way) about never finishing a book or the fact that none of the enterprising librarians who must have passed through her life ever found a book for this reader. Didn't they have a copy of The Story of O or the any of the novels penned by the Marquis de Sade gathering dust on their shelves? She could have had her nose in a book a long time ago! Cops have a saying when a fellow officer commits a crime: "You dirtied my badge." I guess teachers need to come up with one, too. "You spoiled my apple." "You smudged my blackboard." "You made the rest of us look like we actually did graduate in the bottom third of our class and just barely passed our certification tests." If you're an idiot, have the decency to keep it to yourself.
Here endeth the rant.
5/7/2012 06:53:10 pm
Whew, talk about a plot twist.... I thought that was headed a totally different direction. Though I did have a personal bet going on how long before 50 shades was mentioned in a blog by you. I envisioned some sor of response along the line of. 10 shades of beige, the real story
The Author
5/8/2012 08:44:36 am
Well, life's too short to actually waste time reading dreck like 50 Shades of Grey (and writing an entire blog about it). Although I suspect it would generate a lot of hits.
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